A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sundarbans is located south of Kolkata (India) and spreads over 54 islands and stretches to Bangladesh. Sundarbans is the world's largest delta, which is formed by the merger of three rivers-the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Meghna. Popular for its tigers, Sundarbans is equally known for its large mangrove forests.Mangrove forest is a woody community that can be periodically submerged in seawater of the inter-tidal zone of tropical and subtropical regions.They act as nurseries and feeding grounds for many fish, shrimp and crustaceans and non-resident fish enter the mangroves to feed at high tide. Mangroves are also prime nesting and migratory sites for hundreds of bird species.Sundarban is of the last preserves of the Bengal tiger and the site of a tiger preservation project.
We were there only for a two day visit due to our hectic schedule.Every trip we have made so far we have always been blessed with rains.However, this time we did not get to see the sunshine at all so we only managed to get a few shots from the ferry we were travelling in.
Please don't miss the rain.
A football game in progess.
Inspite of the rains these kids were really
enjoying themselves.

Common Kingfisher
Black-capped Kingfisher

Luck is never on our side so we are just happy
with the tiger pug marks and still hoping that
one day we will see the tiger.