Turtles are amongst the oldest and important marine species living in the Omani waters.Marine turtles are cold-blooded reptiles and their distribution is restricted to the warmer areas of the world. Oman is one of the very rare places in the world where turtles can be watched freely and calmly. Turtle nesting attracts hundreds of visitors to Ras al Hadd each year to watch the site at close quarters.

Indian Roller.
There are two routes that lead to Ras Al Hadd .One which we took a year ago and travelled five hours. These are some of the sites we saw.
The new route has a different view all together.The rocky shores with absolutely blue-green waters along one side of the road and the mountains on the other.A beautiful site!

Sinkhole -is in the middle of nowhere, it used to be a cavern but over time the roof collapsed in and formed this vast hole which is full of the most amazing crystal clear water.

After checking in to our hotel at Ras Al Hadd and great dinner at 9:30p.m we set out for a guided walk along the sand to see where giant green turtles laying under the light of the moon.
Next morning we were up at 4:30 as we were told that the turtles head back to the sea.Sunrise by the sea. 
Indian Roller.